Myofunctional Therapy (MFT) is a gentle research-based treatment approach using exercise and massage to address fascia and underlying muscle dysfunction and pain.
But what is fascia? Fascia is a connective tissue filled with nerves, nearly as sensitive as skin, which surrounds and holds every organ, muscle, bone and vessel in place within a human body. According to John's Hopkins Medicine, fascia is supposed to be smooth, slippery and flexible to stretch as you move but a variety of factors can cause it to actually limit mobility and form painful knots. For example, the shifting of the center of gravity during pregnancy causes muscle imbalances which can in turn throw off the fascia to muscle tension throughout the entire body resulting in pain.
MFT is not only able to reduce this tension and resultant pain in a pregnant woman's body but also help with a myriad of challenges in a body following childbirth. It has been proven effective as a treatment for diagnoses unrelated to pregnancy including Endrometriosis and others. It can even help infants! MFT can improve latch, decrease reflux and even be used in the treatment of Torticollis (tightness in the neck muscles reducing free movement). Our team of specialized therapists can help ease the burdens often faced by pregnant and postpartum women and their children. Let us change your life today!
Our services are available for (but not limited to) the following: Women Infants Bladder issues. Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) Endrometriosis Post revision (TOTS) Interstital Cystitis Oral motor dysfunction Menstrual problems Torticollis Pelvic pain Constipation Pudendal Nerve Reflux/GERD Scars Infant muscle tightness Vulvodynia