Most women find breastfeeding difficult. In fact, according to the US National Library of Medicine (NLM), 70.3% of mothers experience breastfeeding difficulties!
Challenges faced by nursing mothers include cracked nipples, painful and/or dysfunctional latch, perception of insufficient milk supply, and slow feeding resulting in mother and child fatigue. Any of these burdensome experiences can limit desire for breastfeeding.
Did you know however, that all of these symptoms typically result from just a few conditions and these conditions are treatable! Our team of skilled therapists provide compassionate and evidence-based care to help identify and treat the conditions limiting you and your child from meeting your breastfeeding goals. We provide you a family-friendly environment for care and will also make referrals if needed to ensure success.
Our specialized team provides: - Breastfeeding consultations including education and a treatment plan for both mother and baby. - Individualized treatment plans to address each challenge faced with breastfeeding including making any necessary referrals. - Clear and supportive education for activities in the home to maximize opportunity for success.